Friday 29 July 2011

My weight gain journey continued

So its been about 12 weeks since I started my weight gain journey. I have gained about thirteen pounds since starting. When I started I was at 102 lbs, now I'm roughly 115 pounds. Yay. I'm so happy. My short term goal is 125 pounds. When I get to 125lbs depending on how I look I will decide if i want to get up to 130.

I'm getting a little tummy though. Lol. Need to get rid of that, so I'm gonna start some sit ups today. I want to gain weight but I defenitely do not want a beer belly to go with my new curvier figure.

Today I ate:

Breakfast - Was late for work. Didnt get a chance to eat anything
Lunch - Ackee & Saltfish with Rice and kidney beans
Dinner - Burger King Sandwich (I do not cook on Fridays)

I'm 5'2"

Sunday 19 June 2011

June 19, 2011 (Week six)

So its week six on my gain weight journey. I now weigh 109.5 pounds. That is two pounds up from last week. I'm happy with the progress, and I cant wait to reach my goal weight of 125 pounds. I'm super excited.

I tried this week to not miss a meal, because when I miss a meal its almost like I lose weight instantly.

Lets see what next week brings.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Week Five

So I jumped on the scale, and I now weigh 107.5 pounds. Last week I was 107 pounds. When I started my journey exactly five weeks ago I was at 102 pounds, so I have gained roughly one pound per week since starting. I'm still skinny as heck, but its getting better. A pound per week is not bad at all. I hope it continues like this.

I would love to reach my goal of 120 - 125 pounds by August. I would prefer to be 125 pounds but I can live with 120lbs. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and hoping it happens.

I didnt eat as much as I would have liked during this week because of work, and school. I was just super busy. I have to find the time next week to ensure that I am eating the way that I should.

Saturday 4 June 2011

June 4, 2011 (Day three)

Here goes my plan for the day.

Egg sandwich


Chicken Chow Mein
Homemade Shake (ice cream & chocolate milk)

Didnt eat as much as I would have liked to today. Was super busy. I've gotta make more effort, or I wont see any weight gain.

I will only now update once per week, starting tomorrow.

June 3, 2011 (Day Two)

Sooooo today was my son's third birthday. Yaaaaaaay. I did not get to plan my meals properly because I was so busy getting stuff together for my son.

These were my meals for the day:

Bologna Sandwich
1 mango
1/2 an Orange

Burger with Fries

Fried Chicken
Homemade shake (1/4 cup  melted ice cream & 1/4 chocolate milk)

Thursday 2 June 2011

The start of my weight gain journey (June 2, 2011)

So here I am, in my mid twenties 5'2" and only weighing 102lbs. This is just sad. I have the body of a pre-teen. So I have decided to go on a weight gain journey. I would like to get up to 125lbs. The most I have every weighed was 116lbs. I am consciously going to be making the effort to take in at least 2000 calories per day.

I have been doing a little research and I have found out that to maintain your weight you need to get 15 times your body weight in calories to mainatain the weight, and twenty times your body weight if you want to gain about 1/2lb per week. So in order for me to gain weight I need to eat 102lbs * 20=2,040 calories per day.

I'm gonna be posting my meals per day, starting tomorrow.

Thus begins my weight journey.